Lawrence Joseph
Bayesian statistics

Please Note: Prof. Joseph has retired.
These pages are left up in case they prove
useful, but the pages and software will
no longer be updated. All material and
software is "as is" with no guarantees
of functionality or correctness.
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  • Diagnostic testing
Bayesian Sample Size Change-point methods and applications Diagnostic testing
See related papers
Diagnostic testing in Genetics
Please Note: Prof. Joseph has retired. These software packages remain available in case they prove
useful, but the software will no longer be updated or supported. All material and software is "as is"
with no guarantees of functionality or correctness.
Exposure Assessment from continuous data in the absence of a gold standard test
Version 2.1, September 2017
A software package for estimating exposure probabilities in a series of subjects where one or more continuous test measurements relating to the exposure of interest are available for each subject
This package is an implementation of the methods presented in
Bayesian estimation of the probability of asbestos exposure from lung fiber counts
Weichenthal S, Joseph L, Bélisle P, Dufresne A
Biometrics 2010;66(2):603-612
Install instructions
  1. follow these install instructions for software necessary for this package to work properly (and ignore the Install Instructions found in the files provided with the package as they are slightly outdated)
  2. download and unzip the zipped file (above)
  3. double-click setup.exe
Estimation of Disease Prevalence and the Parameters of One, Two or Three Diagnostic Tests
Version 3.11.1, September 2017
A package to calculate Bayesian posterior distributions via Gibbs sampling for the prevalence of a disease, and sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for each test used for that disease, in the absence of a gold standard; requires that the free software packages Winbugs and Perl be installed.
Replaces tt1, tt2 and tt3.
Install instructions
  1. follow these install instructions for software necessary for this package to work properly (and ignore the Install Instructions found in the files provided with the package as they are slightly outdated)
  2. download and unzip the zipped file (above)
  3. double-click setup.exe
Estimation of Disease Prevalence and the Parameters of a Continuous Diagnotic Test and One or Two Dichotomous Diagnostic Test(s)
Version 3.9, September 2017
A software package to calculate marginal Bayesian posterior distributions via Gibbs sampling when data are available from a continuous diagnostic test and one or two dichotomous diagnostic test(s) in the absence of a gold standard; requires that the free software packages R, Winbugs and Perl be installed.
Install instructions
  1. follow these install instructions for software necessary for this package to work properly (and ignore the Install Instructions found in the files provided with the package as they are slightly outdated)
  2. download and unzip the zipped file (above)
  3. double-click setup.exe
A program for estimating diagnostic test properties and disease prevalence in the presence of possibly correlated tests
Version 1.13, December 2015
A software package for estimating diagnostic test properties and disease prevalence in the presence of possibly correlated tests in the absence of a gold standard; requires that the free software packages R and Perl be installed.
Please refer to Nandini Dendukuri's webpage for instructions and files for this software.
Computation of Predictive Values when using One, Two or Three Diagnostic Tests
Version 2.1, September 2017
A program designed to convert information on a disease prevalence and one, two or three diagnosic tests into information on predictive values (i.e., on the probability for a patient of being truly positive given a series of diagnostic tests results)
Install instructions
  1. download and unzip the zipped file (above)
  2. double-click setup.exe
  3. follow the instructions in file doc\InstructionManual.pdf
Sample size determination for inference on prevalence or diagnostic test sensitivity or specificity
A package to calculate sample sizes based on highest posterior density intervals in the context of diagnostic testing in presence of one or two imperfect tests; requires that the free software packages R, Winbugs and Perl be installed.