ns.ci.prg <- function(data, variable, fit, pos, df, knots, xref, x, typeout = "RR", level=0.95, na.action = na.exclude,linkf="log") { ######################################################################################################### # # The function ns.ci.prg computes RR, logRR, or MPC and the 95% confidence limit # for a specified value x of the independent variable as compared to a specified reference value # xref . # # This function has 10 arguments which are described as follows: # # data: Original S-Plus data set; # variable: Name of the predictor variable; # fit: The fitted object from the generalized linear model; # pos: the position where the first coefficient of the predictor variable begins in GLM summary; # df : number of degrees of freedom (df) for the predictor variable. If no specified knots are # given, the program will select the df + 1 knots (including boundary knots) at suitably # chosen quantiles of the predictor variable; # knots: knots that define the natural spline, including boundary points. When knots and # df are both given, the number of knots is equal to df + 1; # xref : the reference predictor value; # x : the value of the proposed variable to be compared to xref; # typeout: You can choose "LOGRR", "RR", or "MPC" to output log Relative Risk, the # Relative Risk, or the Mean Percent Change, respectively. The default is "RR" # level: The level for the confidence interval # na.action: This parameter should be set to na.exclude if the original regression model excluded # observations that were flagged as missing by na.exclude. The default is na.exclude, which means to # exclude missing values from the computations. If na.action=na.fail, then na.fail will be applied, # which causes an error if missing values are present. # linkf: The link function used in the model ############################################################################################################ data = na.action(data) # Get the variable column from data variable.vec <- data[, variable] # Get the range of variable variable.vec.range <- range(variable.vec, na.rm = TRUE) # if xref is out of range, a warning is given if((xref < variable.vec.range[1]) | (xref > variable.vec.range[2])) { warning(paste("the reference value xref is not in the range of data variabl")) } # if both df and knots are given, then the number of knots should be equal to df+1, otherwise # a warning will be given. if(!missing(df) & !missing(knots)) { if((df + 1) != length(knots)) { warning(paste("df+1 is not equal to the number of knots")) } } # if knots is given instead of df, then df is equal to the number of knots - 1 if(missing(df) & (!missing(knots))) { df <- length(knots) - 1 } # if df is given instead of knots, then the program will select the df + 1 knots (including boundary knots) at suitably # chosen quantiles of the predictor variable; if(!missing(df) & (missing(knots))) { knots <- quantile(variable.vec, seq(0, 1, length = (df + 1)), na.rm = TRUE) } # if either df or knots is given, a warning is given. if(missing(df) & missing(knots)) { warning(paste("please specify df or knots")) } # evaluate the basis functions at the reference point xref basis0 <- ns(xref, knots = knots, Boundary.knots = TRUE) # get the begining position of basis functions begin.pos <- pos # get the end position of basis functions end.pos <- pos + df - 1 # get the estimated coefficients coeff <- summary(fit)$coefficients[begin.pos:end.pos, 1] # get the standard deviations of the estimated coefficients std <- summary(fit)$coefficients[begin.pos:end.pos, 2] # get the correlation matrix of the estimated coefficients corr <- summary(fit)$correlation[begin.pos:end.pos, begin.pos:end.pos] # compute the covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients var <- matrix(0, df, df) for(i in 1:df) { for(j in i:df) { var[i, j] <- std[i] * std[j] * corr[i, j] } } for(i in 1:df) { for(j in 1:(i - 1)) { var[i, j] <- var[j, i] } } length.x <- length(x) for (i in 1:length.x) { # if x[i] is out of range, a warning is given if((x[i] < variable.vec.range[1]) | (x[i] > variable.vec.range[2])) { warning(paste("the specified value x is not in the range of data variabl")) } # evaluate the basis functions at the proposed point x[i] basis1 <- ns(x[i], knots = knots, Boundary.knots = TRUE) # evaluate the difference of the bases functions at the # proposed point x[i] from the reference point xref diff <- basis1 - basis0 # evaluate the variance of the log relative risk varlogrr <- t(diff) %*% var %*% diff # evaluate the log relative risk logrr <- t(diff) %*% coeff # get the confidence interval for the log relative risk normstat <- qnorm(1-(1-level)/2) lower.logrr <- logrr - normstat * sqrt(varlogrr) upper.logrr <- logrr + normstat * sqrt(varlogrr) if (upperCase(linkf)=="LOG"){ # output mean percent change and the associated confidence interval if typeout is not "RR" or "LOGRR" # output log relative risk and the associated confidence interval if typeout = "LOGRR" # output relative risk and the associated confidence interval if typeout = "RR" if(upperCase(typeout) == "RR") { rr <- exp(logrr) lower.rr <- exp(lower.logrr) upper.rr <- exp(upper.logrr) cat("BOR", "\n") cat("Effect is : ", variable, "\n") cat("When the value is ", x[i], "\n") cat("RR = ", rr, "\n") cat("Lower CI of RR = ", lower.rr, "\n") cat("Upper CI of RR = ", upper.rr, "\n") cat("EOR", "\n\n\n") } else if(upperCase(typeout) == "LOGRR") { cat("BOR", "\n") cat("Effect is : ", variable, "\n") cat("When the value is ", x[i], "\n") cat("LOG RR = ", logrr, "\n") cat("Lower CI of LOG RR = ", lower.logrr, "\n") cat("Upper CI of LOG RR = ", upper.logrr, "\n") cat("EOR", "\n\n\n") } else { mpc <- (exp(logrr) - 1) * 100 lower.mpc <- (exp(lower.logrr) - 1) * 100 upper.mpc <- (exp(upper.logrr) - 1) * 100 cat("BOR", "\n") cat("Effect is : ", variable, "\n") cat("When the value is ", x[i], "\n") cat("MPC = ", mpc, "%\n") cat("Lower CI = ", lower.mpc, "%\n") cat("Upper CI = ", upper.mpc, "%\n") cat("EOR", "\n\n\n") } } else { cat("BOR", "\n") cat("Effect is : ", variable, "\n") cat("When the value is ", x[i], "\n") cat("MD = ", logrr, "\n") cat("Lower CI of MD = ", lower.logrr, "\n") cat("Upper CI of MD = ", upper.logrr, "\n") cat("EOR", "\n\n\n") } } }